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The Weekender - Top 5 Things To Do In L.A. This Sept. 17 Weekend

Rebecca Kirkman |
September 16, 2010 | 7:40 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

Classic cars cruise Route 66 this weekend. (Creative Commons)
Classic cars cruise Route 66 this weekend. (Creative Commons)
1. The Mystery Jets @ The Troubadour
I'd never heard of the Mystery Jets before, but when a friend (unwillingly) had to give up her tickets to see them Friday night and offered them to me, all it took was a quick Google search to figure out they are awesome. Hailing from Twickenham, London, this five-man pop-punk band has catchy melodies that are made all-the-more charming by their British accents. Catch them Friday at the Troubadour before they hop back across the pond.
Friday, Sept. 17, 8 p.m.

2. Mr. Bill Murray @ R&R Gallery
We all love Bill Murray (or we should) but we don't often get a chance to celebrate that love with hors d'oeuvres, an open bar and art dedicated to him. The work of almost 50 artists comes together in this art show at R&R Gallery to include life-size sculptures, a model "Life Aquatic" submarine and even a decorated skateboard. After the opening celebration (where the star himself may, or may not, make an appearance) you have to make an appointment to see the exhibit, so don't miss it!
Friday, Sept. 17, 7 p.m. - 12 a.m.

3. This Is Not Ikea
I found out about this awesome vintage furniture store from the Rad Diaries, a great blog I follow. As the name suggests, shopping here will guarantee you won't walk into your friend's apartment and see the same exact IKEA furniture dully sitting in your own living room. Check out their website for a full catalogue of what they have in stock to get a preview before going to the store.
Tuesday - Thursday, 11 a.m. - 7 p.m., Friday - Sunday 10 a.m. - 7 p.m.

4. Route 66 Rendezvous
Imagine yourself back in time, cruisin' down Route 66. Whichever classic car you see yourself driving will be at the Route 66 Rendezvous this weekend. Thirty-five blocks of San Bernardino are closed down for this weekend-long event that showcases 1,700 vehicles and includes a poker run, BMX stunt show and model car contest. Check out a schedule of events here.
Friday, Sept. 17 - Sunday, Sept. 19

5. The Kitchen
If you're looking for some of the best fried chicken in L.A., look no further than The Kitchen, located in Silver Lake. The quaint interior has exposed brick walls that are decorated with amazing murals. Serving up the best of comfort food, vegetarians and vegans can also find great options here. The next time you're out on the town in Silver Lake, be sure to stop here before or after going out for a bite.
$14 for buttermilk fried chicken
Monday - Thursday, 11 a.m. - 12 a.m.
Friday 11 a.m. - 1 a.m.
Saturday 10 a.m. - 1 a.m.
Sunday 10 a.m. - 10 p.m.


To reach staff reporter Rebecca Kirkman, click here.



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