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Unions Decide To Stop Airing Whitman Attack Ads

Laura Cueva |
September 2, 2010 | 7:02 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

The Race for California
The Race for California
One of the major players in Jerry Brown’s campaign for governor decided to stop airing ads attacking rival candidate Meg Whitman on Wednesday.

Union-led group California Working Families for Jerry Brown spent $8.6 million for the Brown campaign this summer, in hopes of keeping Brown from losing ground against Whitman until Labor Day. With that deadline just a few days away, the group decided to make the announcement official.

“Our goal was to make sure Jerry Brown was in this campaign through Labor Day, and that is what we accomplished,” said Courtni Pugh, the director of California Working Families for Jerry Brown, during a conference call.

The labor coalition was in fact successful. Brown was able to maintain a virtual tie with Whitman for most of the summer.

Now, however, Brown is trailing Whitman 48 percent to 40, according to the latest poll. He has focused strongly on saving campaign money and is also raising money through online donors. When he’ll begin to use that money is still unknown.


To reach reporter Laura Cueva, click here.



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