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Temple Grandin Comes to USC

Jason Kehe |
September 10, 2010 | 6:01 p.m. PDT

Deputy Arts Editor

Pioneering animal scientist Temple Grandin, also known for her work in autism advocacy, kicked off USC's College Commons program with a lecture titled "Animals Make Us Human." She said that animals and humans share core emotions, like fear, and explained how her personal experiences with autism have informed and enriched her science. Grandin, the subject of a new Emmy Award-winning HBO biopic starring Claire Danes, was funny and informative, and eager to answer questions from the audience. When one woman asked how humans differ from animals, Grandin told the story of a friend's dog that suffered a very deep cut. Some of the dog's internal organs spilled out onto the ground, but the dog, which survived, seemed to have no idea she was in trouble. "If your guts fall out," Grandin said, "you'd know what trouble you're in." Highlights from the lecture are featured below.

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