Meghan McCain Was Dirty, Sexy And (Semi) Political

The confident McCain normally knows how to rock a crowd, but she seemed a little nervous as she stepped in front of a group of about 20 to 30 people ranging from their 20s to late 60s, standing patiently in line for her arrival, books in hand.
After saying hi and encouraging people to ask questions and get pictures, the 25-year-old added with a sly smirk, “I’ll do anything you want…within reason.”
McCain is known for shaking things up in the GOP with her deeply passionate pro-gay rights views and her distaste for Karl Rove and the Palin clan.
The book features McCain’s fears for the future of the Republican Party, while also including a massive amount of fun, such as a story about how she was caught speeding after the election results proved Barack Obama the presidential winner:
“‘I’m sorry, Officer,’ I said, handing over my driver’s license. ‘My dad just lost the election to Barack Obama.’ This is possibly the best excuse I’ve ever had for speeding. He gave me a warning.”
McCain showed up for her book signing in a pair of blue jeans (such a Republican girl at heart!), a simple black shirt, and a classic black blazer with a sexy teetering pair of black pumps.
Mostly everyone was clearly a fan and seemed very excited to take a photograph and exchange a few words with the daughter of Senator McCain, who is a maverick in her own right.
When this reporter approached her, she sweetly asked for her age and major and signed the book in her looping, girly way. When this reporter told her she loved her on "Chelsea Lately," she said, “I was nervous about it because she can be so brutal in her interviews, but it was really fun!”
And we all know that if you can have an interview with Chelsea Handler and manage to avoid getting made fun of, then you’re probably a bad ass.
Reach reporter Courtney Ridgway here.