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Fashion's Night Out Takes Over Melrose

Gabrielle Olya |
September 11, 2010 | 10:21 a.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

FNO on Melrose (Gabrielle Olya)
FNO on Melrose (Gabrielle Olya)
Friday night marked the second annual Fashion’s Night Out, and Melrose Avenue was abuzz with stylishly clad gals and guys making their way from store to store –or in the case of last night, party to party. The boutiques along the famed Los Angeles stretch stayed open late offering up food, cocktails, in-house DJs and of course, an opportunity to shop well into the night, with some stores keeping their doors open until 11p.m.

In addition to showcasing its gorgeous dresses, the Diane von Furstenberg store offered guests champagne, hor d' ourves and, my personal favorite, mini-cupcakes. Across the street, Marc by Marc Jacobs seemed to have converted into a very stylish house party, with music blaring and shoppers mingling among the racks of the designer’s clothes and accessories.

The Betsey Johnson store managed to convert the quirky, party-girl vibe of the adorable dresses the designer is so famous for into a real-life party. Guests sipped on pink champagne cocktails while taking funny photos, getting make-overs and dancing to the DJ that had set up post in front of a video showcasing Johnson’s latest runway collection. The Buttermilk truck was parked outside, serving up their famous pancakes and waffles for shoppers who had worked up an appetite.

The most crowded spot of the night was Fred Segal, bringing in the shoppers with their rotating spotlights and keeping them there with a free open bar. Their parking lot seemed more like an outdoor bar than the back lot of a clothing store, and the store itself was mobbed with people enjoying their complimentary alcoholic beverages. Overall it was a night of fun, food and fashion, and if you missed out don’t worry, with the success of Friday’s FNO, the event will surely take place again next year!


Reach reporter Gabrielle Olya here, and follow her on Twitter @GabyOlya

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