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California Gubernatorial Candidates Agree To Debate

Laura Cueva |
September 8, 2010 | 7:57 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

The Race for California
The Race for California
As soon as the primaries were over, Democratic gubernatorial nominee Jerry Brown wasted no time in challenging his Republican rival Meg Whitman to numerous town hall debates. Now, his challenge has been answered.

The two are scheduled to go head to head on Sept. 28, the first in a series of at least three debates that both Whitman and Brown have agreed to.

Editorials in the Sacramento Bee had been long urging Brown to agree to a debate against Whitman in the Fresno area, but Brown denied the offer, wanting to debate in more voter-rich Southern California. In agreeing to the debate in Northern California, Brown stipulated that there must be another debate held in the Los Angeles area.

Three debates are scheduled so far, the first at UC Davis, the second on Oct. 2 at Cal State Fresno, and the third on Oct. 12 at Dominican University in San Rafael.


Reach staff reporter Laura Cueva here.



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