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Thousands Flock To Manhattan Beach For Six-Man

Phenia Hovsepyan |
August 2, 2010 | 2:14 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

Thousands of beach volleyball lovers from Southern California made their way to Manhattan Beach this weekend for the Charlie Saikley Six-Man Volleyball Tournament.

Amateur and professional players alike competed in the two- day tournament while spectators cheered them on.

Among the competitors was Los Angeles Laker Jordan Farmar.

In the past couple years there had been a lot of controversy over alcohol consumption at the event.

With the new guidelines from the city and increased security, the giant party on the beach appeared much tamer this year.

“I was and still am very upset by the new rules. They were even going to go so far as to not let the teams wear team costumes, but I think they realized that if they did that people would just not show up,” spectator Ashely Hancock said.

To reach Phenia Hovsepyan, click here.



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