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Cleveland Comedian: "LeBron James Is A Bitch"

Patrick Crawley |
August 19, 2010 | 10:33 p.m. PDT

Sports Editor

Clevelanders may be down in the dumps since losing their favorite man-child, LeBron James, but at least they still have Mike Polk.

The comedian behind the transcendentally funny "Hastily Made Cleveland Tourism Video" has another hit on his hands: "LeBron James Is A Bitch." In it, he rips LeBron nastier than a Sammi-Ronnie fight, touching on everything from LeBron's manhood to his inability to win on his own to LeBron's mother's alleged affair with Delonte West. He isn't playing around. He's really going for blood.

The amount of hilarious one-liners are too many to name, but pay special attention to the Delonte West lines. And that D-Wade crack at the end. That had me falling out of my chair.

Originally posted at Basketball Fiend.

To reach editor Patrick Crawley, click here.



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