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Note To Self: Don't Wear LeBron Jersey To Indians Game

Patrick Crawley |
July 29, 2010 | 11:49 a.m. PDT

Sports Editor

From Marc Carig of The Star-Ledger:

A fan in the left field bleachers at Progressive Field thought it was a good idea to wear a brand new LeBron James Miami Heat jersey.

Too soon, dude.

Hundreds of fans sitting near the poor sap jeered him out of his seat in the left field bleachers, causing quite the stir during the sixth inning of the Yankees-Indians game on Wednesday night.

Eventually, the man took his talents outside of the stadium gates in left field, all at the behest of stadium security.

But before he made it out, the mob of Clevelanders, with everything but torches and pitchforks, followed him all the way to the exit. They shouted obscenities and threw debris at the man and his sparkling new James jersey.

I have no idea what would prompt anybody to antagonize Cleveland fans like this, but whatever it is this guy has it in spades.

To be a LeBron fan and show support by wearing his old Cavs jersey is one thing. To flash his new colors in the faces of 23,000 of his old fans is another. That takes balls, my friend. Balls and a healthy dose of epic stupidity.

It's bad enough that LeBron is doing the Vegas tour, galavanting around like Paris Hilton on ego crack. Now Cavs fans have to endure attacks from one of their own? As Charles Barkley would say, "Turrible. Just turrible."

The wound is obviously still fresh in Cleveland, and the fan's stunt was clearly in poor taste. But look on the bright side: At least now Dan Gilbert has an excuse to break out Comic Sans again.

To reach editor Patrick Crawley, click here.



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