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Polls Say Obama Did Something Right

Natalie Ragus |
January 27, 2010 | 5:58 p.m. PST

Associate News Editor

All in all, Wednesday night was a good night for President Barack Obama.

The President's poll numbers, which had begun to take a dip in recent weeks, seemed to bounce back in the immediate afterglow of his first State of the Union Address.
Obama saw the biggest gains in Americans' approval for his economic policies. A CBS poll showed speech watchers' approval of Obama's approach to the economy rose from 63 percent before the speech to 80 percent. Another 74 percent of respondents said they felt Obama's plan would strengthen the economy.
Perhaps most important for the president's ability to act on the initiatives he laid out in his speech, 80 percent of respondents to the CBS poll said they felt optimistic about the next four years of having Obama at the nation's helm. That amounted to about a 10 percent bump.

Polls weren't the only good news of the night for Obama.

Twitter users expressed overwhelmingly positive responses to the President's speech. @yasminlight wrote "Obama's speech had me in tears," @imaginelala wrote "Obama speech was good and he address many issues that benefit American citizens. MLK dream finally coming (true)."

The twitterverse wasn't all aflutter. @coopert99 RT@AmericanWoman2000 wrote "Larry King's asking people to rate Obama's speech. I gave him an 'F'."

Some commentators also took well to Obama's speech, in which he declared, "I don't quit," and shamed the Supreme Court for its recent ruling on an important campaign finance case that opened the door for corporations to line politicians' pocket books almost without check.
Much of the speech focused on Obama's plan for reviving the economy and his foreign policy, vowing to pull U.S. troops out of Afghanistan by July 2011.
For the most part, Obama skirted over the healthcare issue.
Instead, he called for bipartisan consensus on a bill and offered up what appeared to be a thinly-veiled challenge to Sen. Scott Brown, R-Ma., an anti-healthcare reform legislator whose recent election upset the Democratic supermajority and opened up the door for a filibuster on any healthcare vote.
But some of the biggest buzz of the night had nothing to do with healthcare and centered around conservative commentator Chris Mathews' comment that during the address, he "forgot (Obama) was black for an hour."
And of course, all eyes were on Michelle Obama as she dazzled fashionistas with her plum colored Isaac Mizrahi dress.
Quite a show.

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