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Toll Lanes Are Metro's Latest Idea To Ease L.A. Traffic

Carollyn Nguyen |
June 4, 2009 | 3:32 p.m. PDT

Staff Reporter

By December 2010, single drivers will be able to use the carpool lanes on portions of the 10 and 110 freeways in Los Angeles -- for a price. Commuters say they are open to the plan.

Los Angeles County transportation officials announced they will be holding public hearings to discuss prices for solo drivers who want to use the proposed high occupancy toll lanes on the Harbor and San Bernardino freeways.
The project by the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority and the California Department of Transportation is being paid for by a $210 million federal grant.  The plan includes creating "express lanes" by December 2010, which will allow single drivers to go into the carpool lanes of the I-10 and I-110 freeways for a toll. The lanes will run on the San Bernardino freeway from Alameda St. to the I-605 freeway and on the Harbor freeway between Adams Blvd. and the Artesia Transit Center.
The toll amount will vary depending on time of day and congestion. The tolls will increase as the carpool lanes get more crowded and decrease as it gets less crowded.
Metro will be holding five public hearings this month in Los Angeles, Carson, El Monte, West Covina and Torrance to discuss toll prices.  Proposed prices range from 25 cents to $1.40 a mile for single drivers hoping to use the high occupancy toll lanes. Learn more about the project at Metro's website.
Rick Jager, Metro spokesperson, said that drivers who cannot afford to pay the tolls will be offered toll credit if they use public transit.
Jager said the money generated from the tolls will go towards improving the corridors in which the money came from.



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