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Neon Tommy - Annenberg digital news

Lights Out For Earth Hour? Not So Much In Los Angeles

Neon Tommy Staff, Contributors |
March 29, 2009 | 10:21 a.m. PDT

Video by Kim Daniels. Additional videography by Dianne De Guzman and Anant Goenka

The crowd at LA Live was a mix of Prince fans wearing the required
sexy purple and black clothing and those attending the Earth
Hour event sponsored by the World Wildlife Fund.

The energy of the
audience was great with people dancing to music spun by Tony Okungbowa
from "The Ellen DeGeneres Show," but I, like others, I suspect, was
disappointed at the level of participation across the city.

the lights turned off briefly and the plastic candles turned on to
illuminate the event, experiencing Earth Hour in the crowd felt unique
-- until the lights came back on a couple of minutes later.

The giant jumbo trons that tower over the plaza and the decorative
blue lights in the trees remained off, but most buildings adjacent to the plaza chose to keep
their lights on despite the cause.

The real energy of the event came
from the crowd of proud parents and the children performing, and truly
made Earth Hour fun.

Slideshow by Dianne De Guzman



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